Depression Therapy in NYC

Specializing in helping people with depression in New York City


Do you feel depressed? Do you lack motivation? Do you have negative feelings about yourself? If you answered yes to many of these questions you may be experiencing a depressive episode. There are many forms of depression. If you’re experiencing major depression it is likely you may be depressed almost daily. If you are depressed keep in mind that you are not alone. Depression is an extremely common issue that approximately 20 percent of the population may go through at least once in their life. Some people experience depression that comes and goes. Other individuals however, are chronically depressed. People who are chronically depressed often have a low-grade depression. At times however, they may experience periods of more intense depression.

Other depression symptoms may include poor concentration, low energy, sleep difficulties (excessive sleep or insomnia) and an increase or decrease in appetite and weight. Men with depression may not directly express or experience a depressed mood. For example, depressed males may be more prone to express or experience anger and irritability rather than sadness due to gender socialization. For more information about depression and men please see the following blog.

Depression may derive from a genetic predisposition, problematic relationship patterns, life transitions or career issues. When depressed you may feel lost or confused. Your social and work life may be significantly affected by depression decreasing your performance or capacity to connect with others. Fortunately, psychotherapy can be extremely beneficial.

How I Help with Self-Image issues

How I can help

Often when people are depressed they selectively attend to failure or what has gone wrong. I will help you gain a more balanced and realistic perspective regarding how you see yourself or others. Through mindfulness I will help you to let go of negative thoughts and enrich positive experiences. I will help you build and recognize your strengths. I will help you understand how interpersonal dynamics may be contributing to your depression. I will create a safe place so you can explore thoughts and feelings enabling you to gain clarity regarding desires and goals.

Often people with depression may have self image issues. Self-image is a person’s view or beliefs about themselves both psychologically and physically. Self-image impacts one’s way of connecting with others. I will help you identify and explore if self-images issues are impacting your depression and relationships.

Depression & Self Image Issues

Do you lack confidence? Feel undesirable and  have a negative self -image? Negative feelings about oneself can lead to depression and avoidance. When you feel negative about yourself setting and pursing goals may be difficult.  You may feel too insecure to make changes or find meaning in life. Your self image can impact how you relate to others.

People with self-image issues may display the following interpersonal styles:

Avoidant Style: Some people with self-image issues may feel helpless regarding making or achieving goals. They may completely avoid engaging in or pursuing goals or lose motivation because they predict failure. Socially, people who are preoccupied with self-image may lack confidence and at times experience anxiety expressing their thoughts and feelings, fearing negative judgments. Their strategy for managing negative judgments from others may be avoidance, leading to feelings of disconnection or social isolation.

The Outward Confident Style: On the outside people with self-image issues may ironically appear confident and in control, but internally struggle with self-doubt or negative feelings that are withheld from others. This can lead to imposter-like feelings leading to a negative self-image. The attempt to obtain affirmation through an outward confident style may also push others away and be experienced as intimidating.

The Accommodating Type: Many people with self-image issues may say “yes” to others fearing they can’t say “no”. They may overcompensate to obtain approval.  These individuals may feel that others have excessively high expectations. They may fear that if they do not meet these expectations they will lose the approval of others.  Consistently pleasing others and not yourself can lead to a negative self-image.


How I Help with Depression & Self-Image issues

How I can help

I will help you modify self-defeating thoughts that lead to a negative self -image. You will identify realistic goals that can lead to a more positive self-image. I will help your become aware of your interpersonal style and how it may contribute to negative mood states and exacerbate your depression. I will help modify your interpersonal style to enhance more positive feelings, improve relationships and your confidence.

Narcissistic Depression: Consequences and Coping Tips

Studies indicate that narcissism is on the rise (Twenge & Foster, 2010). It appears grandiosity and a hunger for affirmation is trending upwards. This parallels the social media explosion where sending out photos or thoughts to be liked by others is the norm...
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Male Depression: Taking a closer look

At a cursory glance it may appear that women are more prone to depression than men. Women utilize psychotherapy and are diagnosed with depression more frequently (Nolen-Hoeksema,1998). However, research suggests that in reality...
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Learn How I can Help

Michael Brustein, PsyD. New York Psychologist // New Jersey Psychologist // 80 Eighth Ave., Suite 1101 New York, NY 10011 // 917-847-4217