A Psychedelic Journey at MASS MOCA

A Psychedelic Journey at MASS MOCA

Spoiler Alert: The following blog reveals details about Artist Laurie Anderson’s Aloft piece Artist Lori Anderson’s virtual reality piece Aloft puts you on a plane whose destination elegantly unravels and places you into a subconscious interior filled with questions...


Should you make a New Year’s resolution? At some point, someone may ask you if you have a New Year’s resolution. Like many people you may have some ideas regarding changes you want to make, but you may be ambivalent about taking action. Considering by February,...
Coping with An Angry Partner

Coping with An Angry Partner

Today research indicates many millennials are waiting longer than previous generations to get married. In a recent study 43% of millennials endorsed the idea of having a 2-year marriage license that could be renewed like a car lease. One could imagine the new marriage...
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