You may remember the childhood game Red Light, Green Light 123. On green the kids run and on red they stop. The child who follows the rules and gets to the stoplight, i.e. the person yelling out red or green, first wins. Simple enough. The adult version of the game...
What Makes Love Last? As we know there are couples that stay happily married for many decades. How do they do it? When pondering this question, the movie, “When Harry Met Sally” came to mind. In the opening scene, as a schmaltzy jazz soundtrack plays in the...
In response to my last blog on FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) many people have also expressed experiencing FOBI (Fear of Being Included). FOBI according to self reports from clients is distress or reluctance about being invited to join a group or social event. A more...
Increasingly many of my clients are self-diagnosing themselves with FOMO (The Fear of Missing Out). My clients report the pain of either being alone, working, or attending a pedestrian family gathering, while others are backstage at U2, on electrifying dates, or...
Studies indicate that narcissism is on the rise (Twenge & Foster, 2010). It appears grandiosity and a hunger for affirmation is trending upwards. This parallels the social media explosion where sending out photos or thoughts to be liked by others is the norm....