Coping with Your Boss: The One in Your Head

Coping with Your Boss: The One in Your Head

It is not uncommon for people to dislike their boss. Sixty-five percent (survey: Michelle Mcquaid) of people surveyed state they would choose a new boss rather than a promotion or a raise. However, is a new boss the answer? When considering the wish for a new boss it...
Madmen Redux: Mindfulness & Technology

Madmen Redux: Mindfulness & Technology

This week Madmen, a show about the past ended and it got me thinking about the future. The year is 2055 and it is coming up on the last season of Techmen. Techmen is a remake of the Madmen series. Similar to the original Madmen, the AMC production focuses on the fast...
Male Depression: Taking a closer look

Male Depression: Taking a closer look

At a cursory glance it may appear that women are more prone to depression than men. Women utilize psychotherapy and are diagnosed with depression more frequently (Nolen-Hoeksema,1998). However, research suggests that in reality the prevalence of depression between...
Toxic Friends

Toxic Friends

This spring it may be a good opportunity to clean up some of those toxic friendships that are leaving your life feeling messy and cluttered. It is well documented that good friendships can have numerous benefits. Toxic friendships however can cause damage...
People Pleasers at The Office

People Pleasers at The Office

Most people do not like conflict. People pleasers are particularly conflict adverse. They are often extremely afraid of confrontation and consequently manage conflict by being extremely agreeable. If you find that at work you often can’t say no to others, then you may...
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